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The Stress Test


BBC Radio 4

TX Date

29th May 2019


Vivienne Parry and Dr Sandra Bell


Paul Arnold and Louise Cotton

What are the possible causes and consequences of a lengthy, widespread power cut in the UK? Solar flares, geo-political changes and sudden climatic shifts are on various people’s watch-lists, and would dramatically stress our energy supply system, possibly to breaking point. A panel made up of those charged with energy security, and those who advise them, work together to keep the UK running in a variety of scary scenarios.

We find out how our current decisions could make our future selves, and our children, safer. And uncover the hidden costs of possible changes – financial, social or environmental.


Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of Scottish Power

Professor Jim Watson, Director of the UK Energy Research Centre

Simon Virley, Head of Energy in the UK government between 2009 and 2015, now partner and head of energy at KPMG

Fintan Slye, Director of the System Operator at National Grid.